Hello From Africa

Hello From Africa
Hello From Africa

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Our Visit To The Lion Park

"Aunt" Stef arrived here last Wed. She is staying with us till November. Our first mini trip out with her was to the Lion Park. The Lion Park is about a 30min drive from our house. The Lion Park should not be confused with the Rhino and Lion Nature Reserve which we visited a month ago...they are two different places.
When we first got there we found giraffes to feed...

Above: Isabel in the "bush." Below: Check out the black tongued giraffes!

We also found ostriches to feed.

Next, it was feeding time for the lions....enter at your own risk!!!

Above: White Male Lions....Below: Some lions lined up waiting for their food!

They finally got their food and started to chow down!

We also saw some zebras right before we headed to the restaurant for lunch. Check out those teeth!

Before leaving we had to go check out the lion cubs. A lion took Stef's flip flop off her foot and started going to town on in. We had to get a staff member to get it back. There is a nice lion tooth mark in it now. ...Sorry Stef...we did say enter at your own risk!

Family pic with a lion cub before heading back home.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Trip To Durban - Part 1

Above is Isabel watching a movie that we rigged up for her on the way to Durban. Durban is a 5hour and 22min. drive from Johannesburg. It's a beach town on the Indian Ocean in South Africa. This was our first trip that we have taken as a family with no one else coming along.
We made it to our hotel on the beach! We cornered Lillie in on the bed....

At our hotel in Durban. Pat was looking out the window, so Isabel jumped up there and had to look too.

On the pier...

Checking out the beach right when we got there.

Morning one. Eating breakfast and getting ready to hit the beach.

Pat showing Isabel the Indian Ocean. This is Isabel's third ocean to visit. She's also been to the Atlantic and Pacific as well.

Above you see the locals playing in the water.

This was Lillie's first trip to the Ocean!

Lillie loved the beach!

To view the rest of our trip to Durban, check out "Trip to Durban - Part 2."

Trip To Durban - Part 2

Part 2 of our family trip to Durban. We are still hanging out on the beach.

Lillie liked to pose for the camera!

...the girls playing in the sand...

Pat took Isabel and Lillie for a dip in the hotel pool!

Here is Isabel (above) picking out what she wanted to order and then (below) playing with her Daddy while we were waiting on our food.

...after dinner we hit a little kids arcade type place...
The next day (Day Two) at the beach Pat and I took turns taking Is on the sky ride.

Hanging out outside of Joe Cools. Isabel made some Indian friends! The little girl wanted Isabel's bear soooo bad. It was cute.

Here we are on the night three hanging out and having dinner with the girls.

The view from our room...during the day it was nice, but at night it was really windy.

Before we left we took the girls to U-Shaka Marine World. We saw the aquarium first. Isabel was scared of the fish at first. She thought they we going to get her.

We also hit up the Dolphin Show. Isabel LOVED this. Lillie took a nap!
After that we went home...well back to Jo Burg! It was as good as a trip could get with two under two that is!