Hello From Africa

Hello From Africa
Hello From Africa

Thursday, March 29, 2012

New Baby News!

If you haven't already heard the new news... Lillie is going to be a BIG SISTER!
Here is the first ultrasound at 6.5 weeks! This is deceiving, b/c it sure looks like one to me!
Flat tummy at 7.5 weeks.

The second ultrasound was at 12.5 weeks. At first I thought she was moving the thing weird, b/c I was seeing double! Then the Dr. commented, twins! WHAT! Total shock is an understatement. Twins don't run in my family or Pat's family as far as we know of. This was, as usual if you know us, an unplanned pregnancy. So this was going to be our last baby, totaling 3 kids. Guess not.

She shifted the ultrasound back and forth to get views of each baby separately to measure them. The baby on the right(your right if you're looking at your computer) measured a few days too small, but had a good heart beat and was moving around like crazy. The baby on the left was measuring prefect in size and wasn't moving very much at all. This one had a slower heart rate, but both heart rates were still healthy and good sounding according to the Dr.
The Dr. thinks they are fraternal twins, b/c she sees two separate sacks. Although our friend, Sarah Gladhill (a sonographer) says it's too early to tell if they are fraternal or identical. She said later we can establish if there is one placenta or two and then we'll know more. I'm hoping that they each have their own placenta, so one won't steal from the other. She said the more separate the sacks are the better. Fraternal usually runs in families though and identical can happen to anyone, from what I've read.

Tummy at 12.5 weeks. Looks like a beer belly, although I can assure you, there is no beer in there!
The twins are due Sept. 27th, 2012 and we'll have a scheduled c section 2 weeks before that. My mom will come up to help - good thing!! We'll have the babies here in South Africa and then return to America for good as scheduled in Dec. 2012. That should be a fun flight!

Isabel and Lillie know about the twins. Isabel thinks they will be a boy and a girl, while Lil thinks two boys! The girls are confused sometimes though, b/c Isabel lifts up my shirt and says, "mom there are no babies in there??" She is used to seeing our friends who are further along with bigger stomachs. So then I have to further explain that to her. Isabel is at a really funny age where you never know the funny stuff she's going to say next. It's very entertaining.

I'm am getting ready for 4 kids under 4! Well I guess Isabel will turn 4 at the end of Sept., so 4 under 4 for about a month. Still scary!