Meet Mr. Whiskers! He's the puppet from Lillie's Moms and Babes class. Every Tuesday morning Stef and I walk the girls over to her class. Stef does the class with Lillie, while Isabel and I play. Don't worry, Isabel has her own class on Wednesdays.

There are 9 other babies in Lillie's class and they are all a month or two apart in age.

They play inside and outside. The babies learn things like large and small motor skills, balance, socialization, etc. Lillie is one of the youngest in her class, but only her and another boy can crawl and she's the only one who can pull up.

Lillie is the one in the stripey sun hat...

She's already talking to boys!

Above: Class Photo~ a few babies were missing, but that was pretty much all of them.
Below: Isabel plays while Stef and Lil are in their class.

Here is Isabel's Moms and Tots class. It's for kids 1.5years to 4.5 years, although all the kids in her class are 2! Her class in every Wednesday morning. I take Is to class, while Stef stays home and watches Lillie.

Again, she learns socialization, balance, her colors, numbers, shapes, tactile textures and temperatures, etc. Examples: Below you'll see "cold ice" balanced on a spoon and warm wet slippery water to wash the baby.

The can make their own tea and drink it. It's caffeine free.

Above: the obstacle course - Isabel's favorite.
Below: Waking up Oscar the puppet.

After class the kids play outside for a while...

The kids love their "Moms and Babes" and "Moms and Tots" classes.