My mom, Isabel, Lillie and I all left So. Africa on July 26th to fly to Yonkers, NY for my Grandma's 85th Birthday party!! Pat stayed behind b/c of work.
Can you see her in there??!!
My mom bought the girls flight attendent barbies on the plane. They were duty free!
Here is my Grandma (Ann Anzalone - my mom's mom) feeding her great grand daughters ice cream after dinner. The girls bought their first street ice cream from the ice cream man in NY!
Opening gifts from Aunt Maria (my mom's sister) and Great Grammy Ann!
...and now Isabel feeding Grammy Ann!
Below: Lillie was jet lagged and to Grammy!
...and off to sleep!
New York Nathan's hot dogs for lunch.
My Grandma has this little donkey statue in front of her house...Lil couldn't resist.
Nonna and the girls....
sidewalk chalk.
Meet the mom's brother... Uncle Gil. Nice way to surf the internet Uncle Gil!
My Mom and her other brother... Uncle Jeff. (Mike, Uncle Gil's son aka my cousin, in the back ground).
...and here is my mom's sister, Aunt Maria - talking about Wayne's Mother! That face is an inside joke. haha Sorry Aunt Maria, will put up normal pics of you too.
My Dad's old house that he grew up in in New York.
Friday night dinner at "Carlos" in Yonkers. My parents above with Lillie and below with Isabel.
Our whole group - all family....
The dinner was to celebrate all the anniversaries and birthdays in July. Happy Anniversary to my parents and happy birthday to Michael, Aunt Darlene, Grandma and I!!!! Cute cake Aunt Maria.
...and off to sleep!
New York Nathan's hot dogs for lunch.
My Grandma has this little donkey statue in front of her house...Lil couldn't resist.
Nonna and the girls....
sidewalk chalk.
Meet the mom's brother... Uncle Gil. Nice way to surf the internet Uncle Gil!
My Mom and her other brother... Uncle Jeff. (Mike, Uncle Gil's son aka my cousin, in the back ground).
...and here is my mom's sister, Aunt Maria - talking about Wayne's Mother! That face is an inside joke. haha Sorry Aunt Maria, will put up normal pics of you too.
My Dad's old house that he grew up in in New York.
Friday night dinner at "Carlos" in Yonkers. My parents above with Lillie and below with Isabel.
Our whole group - all family....
The dinner was to celebrate all the anniversaries and birthdays in July. Happy Anniversary to my parents and happy birthday to Michael, Aunt Darlene, Grandma and I!!!! Cute cake Aunt Maria.
Below: Eating at "Friendlies" in Yonkers.
Grandma getting her nails done for her big party!!!
Below: Uncle Nick showing Isabel how he can "remove" his thumb.
Nonna and Lil dancing.
Grandma giving her speech...
Nonna and Lil dancing.
Below: Aunt Stef and Isabel (smiling with a mouth full of ice cream)
Below: Grandma with all her kids and their spouses...My Uncle is fake punching Wayne (My Aunt's boyfriend)...geez you guys!
Above: New York hot dogs anyone? The girls loved them :)
Welcome to F.A.O. Schwarz in New York City!
Above: Check out the nursery for the baby dolls! They even have a section where you can make your own doll to look just like you! I wanted to make one to look like Lillie, but I didn't. haha
Below: The Barbie Fashion Show!!
Above: Of course we had to hit up the BIG Piano before we left. Isabel and Lil loved the Big piano :) I'd say is it a big piano or the piano from "BIG"? I did attempt to play "Heart and Soul," but failed.
Above: My Dad, Isabel and Lil holding her toy from F.A.O. Schwarz waiting for our mini van rental to be brought out of parking. We paid $25 to park for 1 hour! That was a cheap place too...the other place we found was $40 per hour for a mini van- why I ask? a mini van and a regular car each take up one space! What's the difference?
Below: Lil waking up from her nap happy.
The girls playing at my Grandma's house. They loved the pool and sprinkler that Aunt Maria set up for them!
My cousin Mike, Stef and I on top of the Empire State Building.
My cousin Mike, Stef and I on top of the Empire State Building.
Below: We all were pretty sure that the circular building in this picture is the new building being put in over Ground Zero - not positive, but pretty sure. We drove by Ground Zero too.
Leaving the hotel...
Leaving the hotel...
Below: My mom's mom, my mom, my sister, my daughters and I. Lots of girls in our family!
My kids are jet setters now...
Sitting on the runway for 2.5 hours in New York (our whole flight was only supposed to be 2 hours long total). I guess they had to "fix" something with the plane and then we got stuck behind 35 other planes waiting to take off. Nice Delta. Good think we had the ipad with movies on it.
My kids are jet setters now...