Merry Christmas from our family in South Africa! First off- trip to the mall to see Santa and play. Second on the list...trip to Sandton City to see the Smurfs...
Lillie is ready for Christmas and so are we. Pat helped me decorate two cakes for our 2nd Annual Christmas Eve Party. Snowball Punch and a fruit tray along with much much more!!
The kids decorated cookies for Santa. Then all the kids did sparklers outside.
The "Adult Fun" was a Dirty Santa game. Somehow we got the shaft - Pat is showing off our big winnings! Cleaning supplies...who's gift was that??!! Post party drunk guys.... The next morning was Christmas! The girls saw that Santa had ate their cookies and drank their milk....he also left presents under the tree. ...and so the opening began... Pat's big gift- an ipad. woo hoo! You get swimsuits for Christmas when you live in Africa... double woo hoo!
The girls got tiny ipod shuffles with kids songs on them.
Isabel mowing the lawn with her new bubble lawn mower. Lillie got new sand toys too. Smoking ribs, drinking beer and swimming not 4th of July...CHRISTMAS!!
Ribs are ready! Merry Christmas to all of our friends and family Pete would say it...your American African friends! See ya next year...