Hello From Africa

Hello From Africa
Hello From Africa

Monday, December 27, 2010

Trip To Cape Town Part 2

Cape Town - Part 2

The handles on the doors of our cottage were sooo low. It was like Alice in Wonderland. They were the perfect height for Isabel and Lillie to reach.
Going down to the beach again to see the Africa sun set!

Pat and I doing handstands on the beach at sunset.

The girls dipping their toes in the ocean.

Above: Walking back up to our house form the beach.
Below: On our way to Table Mountain.

Above: Our room in the cottage. We loved the thatched roofs.
Below: While Pat and his Dad went to play golf, Randy and I took the girls to the beach to fly kites.

Lillie walking on the beach. We all tried FOREVER to get this kite up in the air....Randy finally got it up and going.
Even Lil tried to fly it.
Eating dinner at "The Toad. "

Pat and I went on a horse back beach ride at sunset. We got the only 2 while horses.

It was really fun until this one guy who had never been on a horse in his life couldn't control his horse and the horse threw him off! Paramedics came to pick him up on the beach and we all had to get off our horses and wait for an hour for this guy. The guy ended up being totally fine...we called the next day to ask.
Above: Me waiting on the beach with my total A.D.D. horse, "Maestro." (Pat's horse, of course, was named "Cognac.") The horses really wanted to get home and they knew they were on their way home and DID NOT want to stop and wait.
There was a private beach that we could walk to from our house.
It was the biggest beach we've ever see...can you see the ocean waaayyy out there?

We toured a Vineyard in Wine Country.

Eating at the Vineyard...and Randy and I doing some wine tasting.
Below: The girls playing at the Vineyard.

Above: Pat standing in the Indian Ocean.
Below: Fresh fish anyone?

On the plane back to Jo Burg!!

1 comment:

  1. Amazing beach pics and adventures. I especially love the photo of the four of you on the very white beach!
