Hello From Africa

Hello From Africa
Hello From Africa

Friday, January 21, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday Lillian!

You're invited to Lillie's 1st Birthday Party~
Below- Food shopping for her party.

We rented a bouncy house for her party. They dropped it off Friday evening, so we all thought we go play around in it the night before the party.

Sat. morning - we set up for the party. I got some "pin the tail on the donkey" type games, b/c I was scared it was going to rain. We got lucky though and it didn't rain. yea

On Sat. morning I asked Isabel if she was ready for her sister's party. She said yes, and told me that Lillie should get flowers. I have no clue where she got this idea from. I thought it was cute, so I ran out and got Isabel some flowers to give to Lillie for her party.

The girls ran out to play on the bouncy house before the guests arrived.

Lil tries to balance...

The kids were going wild on the bouncy house. They all wanted Pat to throw them up in the air.

Above: Isabel thinks she's one of the boys.
Below: Some kids in the pool.

Above: Tyler holding Isabel in the pool.
Below: Some of Lillie's friends...here is the youngest one - 5mth old Lauren. She had too much partying. haha

Below: More friends - 2 year olds - Layla and Luke

Party Games!!

Time for Lil's Birthday CAKE!!

"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Lillie. Happy birthday tooo yooouuu!!"

Above: Lillie has her "smash" cupcake.
Below: Pat cuts the cake.

Above: You know there were a lots of boys at your house when your daughter's princess dolls end up with play doh muzzles on!! Here is post party Cinderella.
Below: The kids party favors.

For some reason, in Africa, the kids open presents after the party is over. Not sure why though. Anyways, after Is and Lil had a little nap and everyone left Lillie got to open her gifts!!

Here are a few of many of the gifts she got...

Post party play time on the bouncy house.

Relaxing time too! Ha

Then we thought we'd have some real fun....so Pat and I starting doing flips and front handsprings onto the bouncy house. It was all fun and games until - Pat hurt his back! oops!

A little more play time inside and then off to bed!!!
Last Thursday, Jan. 20th was Lillie's actual birthday. So we took her out to Papachinos for dinner. Here was the menu!! La Nonna - inside joke.

Lillie playing at Papachinos.

Isabel hit the playground too. They have "child minders" here to watch your kids and play with them while you sit and relax. Cool huh.

Above: Some girls playing with Lillie.
Below: Pat taking Lillie down the slide.

Here is Lillie's birthday dessert with a sparkler candle.


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