Hello From Africa

Hello From Africa
Hello From Africa

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

"American" Summer 2011

The girls and I arrived in Tulsa, OK Aug. 2nd and started off our American summer with getting Lillie's ears pierced!

Isabel loves hanging out with Uncle Justin.

rub a dub dub how many cousins can we get in the tub?!

Isabel's 1st haircut from Aunt Stef.

...then Isabel wanted to play Aunt Stef and "cut" Lillie's hair.

Grammy and Grandpa Cody visit and we take the girls to the OK Aquarium!

This crazy fish breathes air!

bath time in Nonna's tub...

My mom took us on a tour of the new Math and Science Center and the Aquatics Center at Jenks High School. Along with my 10 year HS reunion I thought a tour of the updated school would be good! My friend Megan and I and the girls were the first to see the Jenks planetarium in action - we just happened to be there when the superintendent was, so we got to see it all! Amazing!

Above: See the white dome on top- that's the planetarium. The guy running it asked Isabel her favorite color - she said red... and he turned the whole dome red. Then she said pink and purple and he did it again and again! (the inside of the dome of course, not the outside)

Below: They even recycle!

Olympic size swimming pool...

Dinner at Olivetto!

Above: Check out my linken log creation! It was destroyed in 10 seconds by Lil.

Below: We spent some time at Aunt Theresa and Uncle Pete's. The girls loved playing with their cousin, Chris.

Above: Grandma and Theresa

Below: Swimming in Theresa and Pete's pool

Above: Even Baby Madison made it to the August birthdays party!

Below: Isabel helps them blow out the candles...even though she's a September girl!

Summer play in the back yard and trips to the duck pond and the park...

Isabel wants to show "Bear" the world!

sisters walking home...

Above: Ring around the rosey with GG!

Below: Isabel is turning into a little baseball player. She says, "Check me out Uncle Pete!" Pete's Great Uncle is Joe Dimaggio :0

Margarita Thursdays in Tulsa!

Went to Norman for Labor Day weekend to spend time with Grammy, Papa and our old dog Sami. Sami used to watch over Isabel while she was napping when she was a newborn...now Isabel watches over Sami.

Isabel taking a potty break in her dress up dress! Nice Is.

Above: Stef and neighbor, Olivia, making deviled eggs for the tailgate.

Below: The girls love OU football and tailgating!!!

Above: Lillie with Grammy

Below: Lil and I

Above: Lil's jersey!!

Below: A carriage ride at the tailgate.

Isabel chatting it up with Arlo.

Isabel "rock climbing" and playing at the park.

Grandpa taking the girls fishing. Isabel was scared of the fish. Lil wanted to touch it!!

Isabel likes to bake cookies in the oven, but she loves to bake them in her Easy Bake Oven!!

The girls love the slip n slide.

Cousins playing ouside.

Above: Lillie getting her toes painted by her Grammy!

Below: We hit the Splash Pad at Hunter Park in Tulsa.

The girls love visits to Incredible Pizza!

I think Nonna and Grandpa love Incredible Pizza too!

Look! IT's Pebbles!

Reading books before bedtime.

Stef and I took the girls to the Bounce Barn in Broken Arrow.

The girls loved their summer of playing with friends and family, linken logs, easy bake ovens, slip n slides, tailgates, aquariums, parks, pizza play places and bouncy houses.

Bye Bye from Oklahoma!

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