Hello From Africa

Hello From Africa
Hello From Africa

Monday, January 23, 2012

Lillie's 2nd Birthday Bash!

Last Friday, Jan. 20th was Lillie's 2nd birthday. I made her cupcakes and she specifically requested yellow icing on them, which Pat said looked like cheese whiz! It was her little family birthday. She also got to take a few licks of the bowl.

On Sunday afternoon we had Lillie's birthday party at Kid-E-Up Party Yard.

Above: The kids table.
Below: A giant water slide
The water slide was a huge hit.

Lillie loved to go down backwards!

Above: Nikki holding Kate.
Below: Wendy with baby Joy from Lillie's Moms and Tots class.
Kerry was our face painter!!

Isabel and Lillie requested to be purple and pink cats...
Above: Jessica with Baby Caleb. Caleb even got his face painted!
Below: We also had a Bouncy House. Apparently you can't have a party without one...

More water slide action...

Above: Pat going down the slide with Isabel
Below: Pat going down with Lil.
Even baby Joy got in on the water slide action.

Above: The Potters
Below: Even the adults got their face painted! Go Mandy!

We have lions and even vampires!
...and Natalie the puppy dog.
Isabel checking out the boy's faces.
Flips on the trampoline....Pat....
Time for cake! Lillie requested Minnie Mouse....

The parents chatting it up...
Time to open gifts...

Nikki hand made this backpack for Lillie. I'm amazed! Sooo cute :)

The guys attempting to "high jump" over the bouncy house! Here goes Steve....
...and Pat...
Party favors!

Lillie could barely make it home before trying on one of her gifts...
On Monday Lillie went to her Moms and Tots class. There she got a Birthday Button and they sang Happy Birthday to her.

We had to get James (the boy next to Lillie) to help blow out the candles, b/c Lil was being shy.

...and that's the end of Lillie's Long Birthday Weekend!!

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