Hello From Africa

Hello From Africa
Hello From Africa

Monday, August 27, 2012

The Twins Are Here!


 On Aug. 17th the TWINS, Hannah and Harper arrived via c-section at Waterfall City Hospital in Johannesburg, South Africa. The Dr. opted for a c section early (I was only 34.5weeks) because of the size of Hannah(lower down). Harper (higher up) was growing fine, but he wasn't seeing growth in Hannah. He also saw low fluid levels and was worried. I went in the week before for steroid injections to mature the girl's lungs faster, in case he decided to deliver early.....and good thing we did!
 Welcome to our c section!!!

 Hannah Randall Waddell (her middle name is after Pat's mom) was born first at 2:15pm. She weighed 3lbs 13.5oz (1.745kgs) and was 16.5in long (42cm).

 Pat gets to cut the cord!

 Hello Hannah!
 Harper Robyn Waddell (her middle name is after my mom) was born second at 2:16pm. She weighed 3lbs 13oz (1.73kgs) and was 16.9in (43cm) long. So after all that, the one we were worried  about (Hannah) being too small and not growing, she came out 1/2 oz bigger! Harper was 1cm longer though!

 Off to the NICU they go....

Dr. Roussot (my Dr.) is checking them out!

 Harper (above) is on supplemental oxygen. Hannah (below) is on a CPAP machine.

 Tiny foot!

My mom (grandparents of the babies) are allowed in the NICU once when the babies were born and then every Sunday from 3-5pm after that and that's it! Parents can come any time. Children are not allowed in at all for infection control reasons....so Isabel and Lillie have not seen the babies yet! No one else is allowed in. They are VERY strict.

Some of the nurses....

 Harper is above. The second day, Hannah (below) was off her CPAP and onto regular oxygen.
 My mom caught a flight here just in time. She watched Isabel and Lillie for us, while the twins were being born and I was still in the hospital. Thanks Mom! Below....Isabel and Lil at home having their ice cream treat.
 Both girls have to be fed through a feeding tube at first. I pump milk for them though. Here we are "feeding" them. On Day 3 they have to go under lights for borderline jaundice.
 She's tanning!

 Pat hanging out in the NICU. Hannah and Harper are behind him....

They practice associative sucking with a pacifier while being fed through the tube. Can you see Harper above trying it out?!
 Hannah loved to lay with her head thrown back like this...above.
 Hannah is sleepy....

Harper says hi!

 Our favorite nurse, Crystal, with the twins. We call her Stefanie though behind her back, b/c we think she kind of looks like my little sister!
 Kangaroo Care with the twins. They like the skin to skin contact.

 At 1 week old they are moved to these "incubators." At first they have to be out in the open to be easily monitored, but now they can be in these. (The open and closed ones were both warm and heated).
 Twin 1 - Hannah.

Twin 2 - Harper!

 These pictures are all of the first 8 days of their life. Remember their birth weight was 1.745kgs(Hannah) and 1.73kgs(Harper). After being born they both dropped weight to 1.6kgs (which was expected) and as of last night they are at 1.77kgs(Hannah) and 1.76kgs (Harper), so they are growing!!! (Sorry they don't use pounds/oz here, only kgs) They are both fully off oxygen now and are breastfeeding, but they still have their feeding tube in as well.  They are 10 days old today and doing well.
 As they say in the hospital.....End Of Run..

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