Other moms held Lillie almost the whole time! I loved it. It gave me a break and time to try and get Isabel to eat. I kept asking them if they wanted me to take her back and they kept saying no. I think it's because they both have 2 boys each....no girls. Above is Ashley holding Lillie and next to her is Kristie.

Here are all the boys....Curtis and Kristie have 2 boys, Stephanie and Doug have 2 boys and so does Ashley and Sam. Poor Isabel....no little girls for her to play with. But then again, she LOVES playing around with these boys. It's sooo funny.

Here I am on 4th of July in a fleece...it's so weird.

Above is our yard the day after the party.
Lillie says Happy 4th of JULY!!!!!!!!!

On the actual Independence day we broke out the sparklers and the American flag again!!

Isabel tried holding a sparkler. It was weird, they weren't even hot. I though they'd be hot. Anyways, sparklers are the closest thing would could get here to any kind of fireworks.

The Girls....

Yes, I know my outfit was the coolest ever~

Here is Lillie hanging out watching our sparkler show....

Pat with Is.....and then Pat with Lil....

The End!!!
Happy 4th everyone~~
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