Hello From Africa

Hello From Africa
Hello From Africa

Sunday, July 24, 2011

5 Year Anniversary Trip to Mozambique, Africa PART 2

Going out to dinner on night 2.
Our morning view outside our private veranda.

Going on a four wheeler tour of Inhambane, Mozambique.

We pit stopped along the way to sight see and take pictures.

Above: Our guide
Below: Another pit stop to check out the view.

Above: The currency in Mozambique is meticals - see the menu.
Below: Stop for a deer at a local bar. We met Charlie - who had had malaria 4 times from living there!

We went to the beach and Pat played soccer with the local kids.

Above: Their locals use this type of boat to fish. It's called a dhow.

Getting ready to leave! :(

At the airport. Check out the bar!

Bye Bye Mozambique!!!!

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