Hello From Africa

Hello From Africa
Hello From Africa

Sunday, July 24, 2011

5 Year Anniversary Trip to Mozambique, Africa PART 1

Pat and I celebrated our 5th Anniversary in Inhambane, Mozambique. My mom was in town to watch the girls for a long weekend!!!

Our tiny plane!

We stayed at Flamingo Bay Water Lodge.
Above: Dos M - Local beer from Mozambique. We went around asking for dos does Ms - as in 2 beers. They spoke Portuguese - it's much like Spanish - hence the "Dos" for 2."
Our amazing room! We loved it!

The view from our room at low tide. (When the tide came in you can not see any of that sand at all. It was covered in water. )

Pat in the shuttle over to Barra Lodge (Flamingo's Sister Lodge). Flamingo is on the Bay side of the Indian Ocean. Barra is on the Ocean side.
Waiting to go on an Ocean Safari at Barra Dive Center. (See above)

Ready to go in our hot looking wet suits.

Snorkeling with dolphins! Can you see some above?

We also swam with a whale shark!!! They are soooo big!
Our underwater camera was fogging up here (below)

Next we went back to the lodge for a quick lunch and then headed out for a village walk. Above you can see a small plant. Our guide showed us how they eat the leaves and roots of this plant. We tried it! Not bad!
Below you see tons of the roots of the above plant and some coconut drying out in the sun for them to eat later on.

Above: The skinniest pig I have ever seen! They will eat him when he gets a little older.

Here is this family's kitchen. The husband was named George and he had a wife and like 7 kids living in all these little huts. See their drinking water below. (They do have running water they get from a well nearby. )

Above: Where they boil and cook food.
Below: The guide showed us how to braid the palms together to create the roof of their houses.

We tried it too. We also tried some coconut.

-Some boys of the village. The kids here can not help work or even climb trees for coconuts till they are 10 years old. Just schooling and playing for them. After 10, they are allowed to learn to help.
-They loved when I took their picture. One boy told me that that was the first time he had been on camera. He was really excited.

Climbing trees for coconuts!
We tried too, but couldn't make it. haha

Some of the village girls!! I took their picture and showed them. They giggled. It was sooo funny.

above -A bed for sleeping....
below - a storage room/kitchen.

Above: Their church. Notice the braided palms for the walls.
Below: A village girl getting water from that well pump behind her.

Our guide said it's almost impossible for girls to get jobs here. The men work - they even do the housekeeping at the hotels. The woman stay home and have babies and keep the house in order.
Make sure to check out PART 2 of our trip....

1 comment:

  1. How fun!!!! Looks like you guys had a wonderful time!!
