Hello From Africa

Hello From Africa
Hello From Africa

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Update: Mother's Day Train to Cullinan; Preschool & Gymnastics; Pregnancy Update

 On Mother's Day we all took a train trip to Cullinan. Cullinan is a small town about a 1hr drive from our house or a 2.5hour train ride to get there.
 The girls LOVED the train ride! There was a bathroom in every car and a snack bar car too with tea, coffee, pop, bottled waters, beer, alcohol, etc and snacks to eat. Everyone had fun.

 We made it to Cullinan and had lunch at Harries Pancakes! Every town that has a Harries Pancakes in it - we find it! It's soooo good!

 The girls both took a short nap on the ride home.
 Lillie is now finished with Moms and Tots. We have a new schedule now. Both girls go to preschool 2 days per week from 8:30am-12:30pm. Here is our schedule:

Mondays - Both girls to school (this is usually when I go grocery shopping); Tuesdays- we stay home b/c we only have one car (a company car)and it's Pat's day to drive to work with his carpool group; Wednesdays - Isabel goes to school and Lillie goes to her gymnastics class; Thursdays - Isabel to gymnastics and Lil to school; Fridays- Pat's day to drive again, so we hang out at home.
 The girl's love GYMNASTICS! They have a 45minute class once per week.
 Isabel attempts these high high rings, she's scared, but goes for it! Yea Isabel!
 We've even been to some birthday parties at the gym too! Lil carries the presents!

Sometimes after class they let the kids play in the pit!

 After each class the kids sit down and get a picture of what they did that day from their coach. Can you spot Lillie-black leotard (above) in her group and Isabel- blue leo (below) in her group?

As promised - Pregnancy Belly Updated Photos
                                                        16.5 weeks pregnant with twins                                       
       19.5 weeks pregnant with twins


 22 weeks pregnant with twins

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