Hello From Africa

Hello From Africa
Hello From Africa

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Update On The Twins

 I went for a fun 3D/4D Ultrasound last Sat. The sonographer thinks they are identical twins. She only sees one placenta, but when I asked if it could have been possible that there were two and they fused, she said yes. She says there are other signs that point to identical as well. She said the thin membrane separating the babies is in the shape of a lambda sign, which is common with identical twins. Fraternal twins usually have a T sign. Not sure why though.

Anyways, the Dr. thinks probably fraternal and the sonographer thinks most likely identical! huh! We'll only know for sure after they are born.

We've also confirmed 3 times that they are both girls!!! They are measuring just a tad small, but with in normal limits. She checked everything from brain, heart, stomach, kidneys, bladder, spine, umbilical cord, fluid levels...everything! No problems so far. No cleft palate or club foot either and they each have 10 fingers and 10 toes each! This sonographer was VERY thorough! We really liked her. :)

Here is Baby Girl A at 24.5 weeks....

 Baby Girl A at 24.5weeks

 Girl A's umbilical cord readings....
 Girl A's heart rate = 159bpm
Girl A's stats: 

 They are both girls!
  Baby Girl B at 24.5weeks....
Look closely at the U/S photo below! This is what we all think is funny....girl B's face is right up in Girl's A's butt! Girl B's hands are up blocking her sister's butt from her face!!! LOL

 Baby Girl B at 24.5weeks!

 Girl B's heart rate = 163bpm
 Girl B's stats....
 Baby Girl A and B are pretty much the same size.See the graph below:

 Baby Girl B!!!
 Girl B's Umbilical cord readings....

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