Hello From Africa

Hello From Africa
Hello From Africa

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Sneak Peek - Hannah and Harper NB Photos

 Here are Hannah and Harper's newborn photos. They were 3 weeks old when we had these taken. Our photographer's name is Cathy Heaton in Johannesburg, South Africa. She was amazing to work with!

These few are of Harper....

  Harper is in front and Hannah is in back....

 Hannah is the top one and Harper is the bottom one....can you tell them apart yet? ...or not?

 Ying and Yang....
 These few are of Hannah....

 Harper is on your the left is you're looking at the screen. Hannah is on your right.

 In these, Hannah is the one with darker hair and closer to the front/closer to the camera....

 Again....Hannah is in back and Harper in front...

 If you'd like a print photo, please email me and tell me which one you'd like and in what size!!!!!

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