Hello From Africa

Hello From Africa
Hello From Africa

Friday, November 2, 2012

Trick Or Treat 2012

 We started off our Halloween week by making ghost cup cakes for Pat to bring to work. Do they look like ghosts or white poop? I can't tell! ha!

 Next we carved some pumpkins....and let me tell you, this was no easy task. Pumpkins are out of season in South Africa, b/c it is spring here and not fall. There is one store that imports pumpkins from the US and I was the first in line to snag 3 of them! Once they are gone, they are gone! Next year, we'll hit a real pumpkin patch, but these will have to do for now.

 I did the pirate. Isabel and Lillie did the happy face. AND....guess what Pat did this year?! Yep...Air Jordan!
 Pat's mom was in town visiting and helping with the twins....
On the Saturday before Halloween everyone goes Trick Or Treating! Lillie was Tinkerbell....

 Isabel was Izzy the Pirate, from the Disney Jr. show - Jake and the Neverland Pirates...."yay, hey, no way!"
 Pat was a pirate to match Isabel. Him and her match every year. Isabel picks what she wants to be and match matches her!
 Randy (Pat's mom) and I had on baby skull and crossbones patches to match the twin's baby skull and crossbones onesies.

 Lil...I mean Tink...stops to play before we head out....
 We load the twins up in our double stroller and head out for some candy!

 ....it's okay at first and the it starts to rain....and rain...and rain! BUT we endure. Luckly our friends live near by, so Randy takes the twins inside their house till the rain finished. The 'tinies' are too small for the rain.
 We did a quick round and then headed home, b/c the storm was so bad. On Wednesday...real Halloween... the girls dressed up in their outfits for school. Then that afternoon/evening a shopping center near by, The Brightwater Commons, was having a Halloween day where all the stores handed out candy, or sweeties, as they call them here. So we all headed there to try and make up for the Sat. night rain.

We met up with our friends, The Zimmermans and The Charles Families. Below you see Isabel and Lillie with their friend Miranda.

 Trick Or Treating at the stores!

 The twins are out tonight. It's a nice evening now. yea.

 We stop for some face painting...

 The kids love the carousel....

 ...and the bouncy house area...can you see Lillie at the top of this giant blown up slide!?!

Randy and I stop to feed the twins bottles while Pat takes the "big girls" to play.
 And the girls HAVE to have these tiny pink and brown puppies...
Now it's getting late, so we all get ready to head home!


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