Hello From Africa

Hello From Africa
Hello From Africa

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Halloween 2010

This year Pat and Isabel were pirates and Lillie was a watermelon. Stef and I just wore ears...mine were pig ears and Stef's were cat ears.
We taught Isabel to say "arrr"

We all headed to the Ludwig's house for a big Halloween bash with all the kids...plenty of food, beer, bouncy houses and toys for the little ones. The Ludwigs throw great parties here. (They are a B&V family as well)

Don't get thrown off...it was very hot here. We are coming upon summer soon.
Time for trick or treating! Even Lillie had her bag and hit a few houses too!

Getting candy and taking photo ops...

After trick or treating we all went back to the Ludwigs house for a little more play time and then took the kids home to bed. They were pooped out!
Isabel flying her pirate flag....

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