Hello From Africa

Hello From Africa
Hello From Africa

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Drakensberg Mountains

Over Thanksgiving we all took a trip to the Drakensberg Mountains in South Africa. 6 families, including us went on the trip. Above you can see the view of the mountains from our room.

We went off to play a little family corquet....

On day 2 Pat and I went on a Canopy Tour. It consisted of 12 zip lines through the mountains. Since so many families went on the trip we all set up a child swap...as in - you watch my kids today and I'll watch your kids tomorrow. This way everyone got to do everything. We had a total of 10 kids on the trip. 2 -12yr old boys, 3 -6yr old boys, 1-4yr old boy, 2 -2yr old girls (one was Isabel), 1 -1.5 yr old girl and 1 -10mth old (Lillie). Oh and a partridge in a pear tree!

Above: Our Canopy Tour group
Below: Walking around the pool with Isabel

Above: Pat playing Qolf..."the lawn game golf." You play only using a wedge.
Below: Isabel and I joined the game later too. It's pretty fun.
Above: Monkeys hanging around our hotel.

Above: Isabel "hanging around." hahaha I crack myself up...j/k
Below: Pat and I went horseback riding on Day3.

Above: Clayton taking Isabel for a walk. They were soooo cute. He just held her hand and she followed.

Below: Taking pictures before going to dinner.

More croquet....even Lillie wanted to play!

Above: The view of the Lake. We took canoes out on it. Pat also went fly fishing on it, but didn't catch anything.

Below: Luke playing peek a boo with Isabel. She was cracking up. She loved playing with all the boys. These boys in our group were so well behaved too! A pleasure to be around. :) Luke would go around to all the tables at dinner and ask how each table was and if that table was okay today. I love it!

Isabel going on a horsey ride!
That was the end of our trip!! yea. Goodbye all.

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