Hello From Africa

Hello From Africa
Hello From Africa

Monday, December 27, 2010

Trip To Cape Town Part 1

Pat's parents were visiting us in Johannesburg and then we all took a trip down to Cape Town. It's on the southern tip of South Africa. Here are "Grammy" and "Grandpa" with Is and Lillie at the airport. We had just gotten in to Cape Town.

Above: The amazing view from our little house that we had rented.
Below: Randy and Cody sitting on the porch.

Above: This is the little cottage at Monkey Valley that we rented out.
Below: Right when we got there we all took a walk to the beach.

Dinner at the hotel restaurant and the below you can see the girls in their matching PJs before bed.

On day 2 we went to Cape Point. This is the point off the southern coast of Africa where the Atlantic and Indian Oceans meet up.

Above: If you look really closely....and I mean really close you can see the line where the 2 oceans meet. It's right off the tip of that point of land.
They had a light house at the top of Cape Point and it was sooo windy. We couldn't even walk the wind would push us over. It was crazy.

Next we stopped at The Cape of Good Hope. The is the most south-western point of the African continent.....hence the sign above.

On day 3 we were off to Boulder's Beach where you can see "jack ass" penguins. They are literally called that.
The girls looking at the penguins. The penguins looking at the girls...

Above: Everywhere we drove we saw baboons running around.
Below: The view of The Harbor House restaurant that we ate at.

Above: Pat's Harbor House meal.
Below: Lillie loved to play in the water.

Above: Isabel's dessert.
Below: Pat's dessert.
....and Pat's plate after he finished the dessert. haha
Be sure to see Part 2 of our trip to Cape Town...

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