Hello From Africa

Hello From Africa
Hello From Africa

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July

Isabel shopping for our 2nd annual 4th of July party.

Now she came home and baked....busy lil girl.

Setting up for the party...

Outdoor seating is a must.

My mom was visiting from the US. She went a little overboard with the flags!

Above: Family Pic! July 4th, 2011
Below: The girls with their Nonna

Pat busy smoking pork butt.

Checking out the pulled pork. umm looks good.

Some of the kids at the party.

Above: Can you see Isabel in the crowd?

Outdoor fun with sparklers!

Below: Lillie with Maria

Plenty of food and fun!

Above: Pat and Travis hanging out

Below: Post party - drinking our imported limited edition Budweiser brought here by my mom.


Uh oh! Too much bud! Guys ended the night with a wrestling match! Pat won!!!

Hope everyone had a great 4th!!!!

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