We stayed at Tau Safari Lodge. This was Mine, Pat and the girl's room. A Boma the first night for dinner.
Above: Isabel having fun in the chair at dinner.
Below: The girls just waking up the next morning in our room. You can see the mosquito netting over the bed in our room - even though it's winter here with no bugs!!
Check out our outdoor shower!
Playing around outside.
Isabel - Jump to Daddy! Lillie - Jump to Daddy!
Nonna - Jump to...wait! What?!!
Above: The girls painting pictures in the little cubs room.
Below: Nonna and Lillie playing.
Our Ranger, Ernest, even took Pat and I with Isabel on our own private short game drive. This was Isabel's first safari! Normally you have to be at least 6 years old to go on a game drive, but Ernest took Isabel on a mini drive - just for her.
Isabel saw lions and zebra on her drive! She was very good.
Isabel and Lil on our room veranda looking out at the water hole for animals.
OMG! We spotted elephants. A whole heard of them too! More and more kept coming to get a drink.
Above: Nonna and Lillie playing.
Below: Isabel found a monkey who jumped threw a window and stole a carrot and jumped back out again!
Above: Isabel and Lillie sitting with Nonna at dinner listening to the chef describe dinner.
Below: Relaxing in the tub! The girls were asleep in the main room - so Pat and I hid out in the bathroom. ha!
Family Pic!
Here are some of our safari sightings! Looking for the Big 5 again! Big 5 sighting #1- Elephants!
Big 5 sighting #2 - Lions!
My mom and I on our game drive! We stopped for sun downers.
Big 5 sighting #3 - Rhino
Look at the picture below - very closely. Can you spot Big 5 sighting #4? It's a leopard sooo far away.
We were trying to make a Windhoek Beer ad. haha (Windhoek is also the capital of Namibia, Africa)
Big 5 sighting #5 - Cape Buffalo.
The girls playing before we headed home!!
Goodbye Tau. We had fun!!
You are your family have it made! I LOVE following your blog and looking at all the animals and mini adventures you have! It can be comforting to see all this from my couch in Kansas...there are some scary pictures! (Especially the lion feasting on the elephant. YIKES!) God bless!